martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010


1. Research the impact steamboats had on river commerce in South America at the turn of the twentieth century. How did this mode of travel and commerce affect the ecology along the rivers? Cite passages in the movie as examples.
R//in part was something positive because persons in that moment could transport them more easily and faster than in other way, and they could transport medicines, and food on them.but the impact with the environment was bad because it was affecting the whole environment and it poluted the air, and it also killed animals.

2.How does Garcia Marquez combine elements of common, everyday life with the fantastic to tell his story?
R//gabriel garcia marquez use combine the fantasy with reality, putting things that are usual in real life and making the histories take place in very comun cities like cartagena in case of the movie we watch or monpox speaking about ''cronicas de una muerte anunciada''

3. What are some of the characteristics of magical realism? What are its origins as a narrative technique?

R//Characteristics of magical realism
The characters in the works of this movement tend to travel, not only physical, such as those suffered by characters creolists works, to give an example, but they change in space and time from your thoughts and your dream state . 

There are 4 positions:Chronological time: The actions follow the logical course of time.Rupture time levels: mix of present tense past tense (regressions) and future tense (advances). (Night's up Julio Cortazar)
Static Time: Chronological time is stopped, as if not transcend, however, flow the thoughts of the characters.Time spent: It is the most contradictory: to consider the night the day when we read: "It was the dawn," It was night, "among others.

4.Is magical realism used exclusively by authors from so-called Third World countries? Explain your answer with examples from contemporary literature.
R//Although the term was used by the German Franz Roh to describe a painting, in 1.925 it came to our language for a translation of the Western book “ Magic Realism ” later it was introduced to the literature by Arturo Uslar in the “ Venezuelan Story”, and since then it has been a narrative technique own of the writers Spanish-American or countries of the third world, example of his first exponents:
Rómulo Gallegos (Venezuelan 1884-1969) “Mrs. Bárbara “1929
Arturo Uslar Pietri (Venezuelan 1906-2001) “The Venezuelan story” 1947
Juan Rulfo (Mexican 1917-1986) “Pedro Paramo “1955
Pablo Neruda (Chilean 1904-1973) “elementary Odes” “20 poems of love and a desperate song”
Miguel Angel Asturias (Guatemalan 1899-1974) “ Legends of Guatemala ” “ The eyes of the buried ”
5. Research the “Boom” of Latin American literature that first appeared in the 1960s. Who are some of the authors who figured prominently in the movement?
R//The Latin American Boom refers to the Spanish-American literature published in the third quarter of the twentieth century, this gave diffusion in Europe to authors of the South American continent. The novels of the “Boom” are distinguished for having a series of technical innovations in Latin American narrative, developing the Magic Realism and The wonderful real, Among the most prominent writers from the 60's are:,
Jorge Luis Borges (Argentinian 1899-1986) “Notebook St Martin” “Book of dreams”
Alejo Carpentier (Cuban 1904-1980) “The kingdom of this world” “The lost steps”
Julio Cortázar (Argentinian 1914-1984) “Rayuela””
Jose Donoso (Chilean 1924-1996) “The place without limits”
Guillermo Cabrera Infante (Cuban 1929-2005) “Three sad tigers”
Mario Vargas Llosa (Peruvian 1936- ) “Pantaleon y las visitadoras”
Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia 1927- ) “Hundred years of solitude”
Laura Esquivel (Mexican 1950- ) “like water for chocolate”
Isabel Allende (Peruvian 1942- ) “The house of the spirits”

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